2nd TPM in Umag, Croatia

Posted: 4 October 2021 / News
2nd TPM in Umag, Croatia

We spent this weekend in beautiful Umag, in the north of Croatia, where we met all our partners for the 2nd transnational project meeting.

We began day one with The Problem Solving method: switch the view on the problem and discover, that most of the problems are not that difficult as they seem at first. We had a mindfulness workshop and took part in various team building exercises (paintball, archery and axe throwing), where women challenged the men. Who do you think, won? :-)

On day 2 we started with the interactive workshop Coach Support System, or how to help a colleague or coach or an athlete in a stressful situation. 

At the end we asked our participants to do some reflections on the meeting and the project #takecareofyourcoach

What are the first steps you are going to take after this meeting? ➨ Apply new concepts in my work. ➨ Put these methods into practice. ➨ Apply new methods in my practical work.➨Share a problem-solving method with other club leaders in my organisation. ➨ Continue with the mindfulness, apply it to my children's education. ➨  Practice how to help a colleague in a risk situation.➨  Use CSS (Coach Support System). ➨ Do a body scan exercise regularly. ➨ Do a problem-solving method in one of my actual situation. ➨ Plan an expert meeting, create a chart of steps in the stressful situations.